24105-078 A Welcome Distraction ©dag
24104-989 KIt's Relative? at GIW ©dag
Kit Hanging Out on Water Hyacinth ©dag
Big Foot! ©dag
Kit on Favorite Rock ©dag
If You Build It They Will Come ©dag
Swamp Milkweed Unfolding ©dag
Growing Up in our Garden ©dag
Western Leafcutter Bee (Megachile perihirta)? ©dag
Orange Skimmer (Orthetrum testaceum)? ©dag
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) ©dag
Preening After Sun Bath ©dag
Robin Friend Looks Hurt; Just Sunbathing! ©dag
One of Many ©dag
Cool Window Reflections ©dag
Glittery 3rd Eye! ©dag
Fun Face ©dag
Lots to See if you Look Closely ©dag
Common Milkweed Visitor ©dag
Looks Like Cool Origami! ©dag
Camouflaged ©dag
Another New Friend ©dag
Flying Ant? ©dag
Pottery Inspiration ©dag
This One Landed on Me Too! ©dag
Geranium Maculatum ©dag
Bumbler on Asclepias Tuberosa ©dag
Cool Eyes! ©dag
Huge Eyes! ©dag
Squash Vine Borer (a diurnal species of Sesiid moth) ©dag
Inviting Angelic Atropurpurea ©dag
Armored Explorer ©dag
Neon One ©dag
Neon Two ©dag
Iridescent Flyer ©dag
Size is Relative ©dag
Angelica is Attractive in More Ways Than One ©dag
Frequent Visitor ©dag