241020-168 False Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus turcicus)
240929-008 Monarch Chrysalis (Pupal) Stage
240928-007 Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
240928-006 Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
240928-002 Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum)
240928-978 Monarch Caterpillar J-shape Prior to Chrysalis
240924-963 Meloe impressus
240924-957 Meloe impressus
240924-954 Common Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) on New England Aster
240924-950 Common Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) on New England Aster
240924-942 Common Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens) on Goldenrod
240922-918 Monarch Caterpillar
240919-806 Monarch Caterpillar
240915-751 Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
240915-691 Pond Spreadwings (Genus Lestes)
240911-672 Huron Sachem (Atalopedes huron)
240911-666 Huron Sachem (Atalopedes huron)
240911-655 Huron Sachem (Atalopedes huron)
240911-633 Tetanocera plebeja
240909-570 Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
240909-563 Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
240906-515 Cabbage White (Pieris rapae)
240906-514 Huron Sachem (Atalopedes huron)
240906-489 Eastern Carpenter Bee on Phlox
240906-478 Red Sunflowers with Bee
240906-447 American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)
240906-442 Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus)
240830-257 Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) on Common Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum)
24824-031 Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea)
24824-029 Fork-tailed Bush Katydid (Scudderia furcata)
240823-231 Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis)
240823-219 Red-legged Grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum)
240820-170 Juriniopsis adusta (tachinid or bristle fly)
240820-167 Great Black Digger Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus)
240820-136 Pale Green Assassin Bug
240820-130 Dusky-tailed Sunflower Aphid (Uroleucon obscuricaudatum)
240820-019 Bee on Spotted Beebalm
240820-116 Cling Wrap
240817-103 Northern Paper Wasp(Polistes fuscatus)
240817-101 Juriniopsis adusta (tachinid or bristle fly)
240817-096 Juriniopsis adusta (tachinid or bristle fly)
240817-083 Leiobunum (a member of Sclerosomatid Harvestmen)
240817-040 Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pensylvanicus)
240817-022 Red-headed Bush Cricket (Phyllopalpus pulchellus)
24811-224 Monarch + Bee
24811-182 Monach Butterfly on Zinnia
24105-078 A Welcome Distraction ©dag
24726-026 Tiger Lily with Fly
24724-029 Bee 2
24724-025 Bee 1
24724-021 Bee Back
24724-011 Two Bees
Western Leafcutter Bee (Megachile perihirta)? ©dag
Orange Skimmer (Orthetrum testaceum)? ©dag
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) ©dag
24701-012 Pollen Gathering on Butterfly Milkweed
Cool Window Reflections ©dag
24624-111 Dragonfly
Glittery 3rd Eye! ©dag
Fun Face ©dag
24624-088 Dragonfly
24624-080 Dragonfly
Lots to See if you Look Closely ©dag
24624-012 Two Bumblebees on Common Milkweed
Common Milkweed Visitor ©dag
Looks Like Cool Origami! ©dag
Camouflaged ©dag
Another New Friend ©dag
24624-005 Dragonfly
Flying Ant? ©dag
This One Landed on Me Too! ©dag
Bumbler on Asclepias Tuberosa ©dag
Cool Eyes! ©dag
Huge Eyes! ©dag
24622-031 Long-legged Fly
24622-017 Stink Bug
24622-003 Stink Bug
24617-035 Upside Down Visitor
Squash Vine Borer (a diurnal species of Sesiid moth) ©dag
Inviting Angelic Atropurpurea ©dag
Armored Explorer ©dag
Neon One ©dag
Neon Two ©dag
Iridescent Flyer ©dag
Size is Relative ©dag
Angelica is Attractive in More Ways Than One ©dag
24610-114 Dragonfly
24610-108 Dragonfly
24610-096 Dragonfly
24610-015 Damselfly
24608-042 Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus)
24531-926 Cecropia Silkmoths
24428-016 Deceased Mason Bee with Silk Cocoons
24427-003 Mason Bee
22703063 Bee On Yellow
22416063 Bee Hug
21820145 Special Garden Visitor
21820138 Natural Pest Control
21820037 Small Yellow Flyers
21704064 Small Traveler
20530063 Tiny Spider 2
20530051 Tiny Spider 1
20315023 BeeLeaving
19728006 Railing Jumper
19724051 Explorer
19724046 King of the Hill
19719015 Dragonfly View 4
19622121 A Welcome Visitor
19526050 Anti-Gravity Gathering
19526034 Bee Glow
18712253 New Pet
18507042 Bee Best in the Golden Hour
17717004 Martian Bee
17709100 Wings Back
17709057 Delicate Eye
17709045 Winged Landing
16A05019 Small World
16702126 Red Flyer
16428049 Busy Bee
15723043 Burden of Heavy Wings
15723043 Oh The Burden of These Heavy Wings
15723031 Two Eyes Plus a Third Eye
15721051 Masterful Design
15703070 Beetle and Flower
15701036 Bees Like Orange
15701009 Wide-eyed
15626013 A Closer Look
15623161 Defying Gravity
15623161 Defying Gravity
15619052 Hugging Bee
15617100 Not your Regular House Fly
15612311 Wing Blur
15611271 Attempting Camouflage
12606150 You Can See Right Through Me
15529066 Ant Showing Off
15529055 Paperbark Maple Bug